Though the paper work looked genuine for AMSRI White pearls, I am worried about their execution.
I am based in Bangalore and I am visiting their site regularly. I see that, in the last one year they have just completed the basement and part of the ground floor. At this pace, I am not sure, when will they complete the project.Hearing the stories of AMSRI central court at Secundarabad, my worries have compounded. Around 3 months or so, delay is tolerable. More than an year delay (which happened for AMSRI Central Court and I see all signs of this for AMSRI White pearls) is too much for ones patience.
With the new block coming up, I am not sure if they are planning to stick to their commitments of promised amenities. I dont see any advertisements for AMSRI White pearls in newspapers. If all the blocks are sold then why arent they progressing in the construction work and if the blocks are not sold then why are there no ads in the newspapers?
Thanks , Guru