Excuse me - but thats not how a booker book is supposed to be written. That doesnt mean that the book is not good but it falls short on achieving the greatness of midnights children and others of same ilk.
Talking about the book-its good in patches. The story is good but the end is too dramatic. At some places author seems to write only to add pages. But some details are simply exciting. Like the struggle of a central character while creating the music for a particular show is narrated superbly. Then also brilliant is his narration of the agony that the character is going through because of his past. Author is in his best form here .
But then somehow after reading the whole book the satisfaction is not there. The emotional thirst is not quenched and a reader feels like cheated because of raised expectations from the book-it being a booker winner and then Ian McEwan is too famous to come out with such mediocre performance.
Sometime I wonder that booker prizes are rigged otherwise how can one justify the nomination of books like Fasting and feasting-by Anita Desai and then winning of Amsterdam, the coveted prize. I have come across quite better books but then they never won the accolades and acolytes that they deserve.
About reading the book-I would say, dont buy but borrow it, read it and go for a bacardi to quench your remaining thirst.