Essent Energie is a typical dutch office. Part of it signifies the traditional work place an part of it is ultra modern types.. A complete blend of European workplace. If u happen to be in S-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch) then you cant escape hearing of Essent Office. The office is situated right behind den bosch?s railway station (Some 2 mins walk from there). The office compound consists of two buildings and both of them are highly secure.
You need a authorization key to enter the office premises. I work on the 4th floor of this building in a highly energetic arena people call it SMS (My department name)? Man u have to be here to feel the heat. Once I enter the office, I usually feel the heat instantly? you have to be on the toes and a small mistake can cause the company a big loss and you might get an earlier exit from Europe.
As far as my IT experience goes, both at Infosys Bangalore/ Hyderabad/Mysore or in my current company (CIBER, India), we have a habit of fiddling with our work before we get it right? but that?s not the case here.. Boy you have to get it right for the first time and worst of all, in time? Man it realy $&&(* Well how can you expect a person to be Mr. perfect and that too 8Hrs a day at a stretch. I have learned the tricks of the game being here for almost 2 weeks now and feel I can handle it.
I do it at the cost of my Valuable forwards and less time for my sweety.. well u are here for money and lets except it for good. A few easy cash over here can earn you rich dividends down home in India and that?s the whole truth why numerous Indian come to Europe for work. Europe is both a fancy as well as expensive place. A digi Cam can cost u nearly 15 K in Indian currency (4.1 Megapixels, 3x zoom types).. so you can well imagine the price..
Clothes come even more expensive with a basic jacket being 4k-5k and if you want to go for a leather one, be prepared to empty something around 12k-15k from your pocket. Me and my friend went to Amsterdam on 1st October by train from Den Bosch Oost(East). It takes nearly an hour of journey with one break in the journey for say 5 mins or so. Amsterdam feels like a bustling island. Everyone seems to be busy in some thing or the other.
One thing you will find very common at this place is ?SEX?? Man they talk and practice only this. You can find Sex Museums, Striptease Bars and who doesn?t know about the Red Light Area (The less said is better)? The worst part is that these bars are on the roads and you can easily see girls stripping through the glass?.. OOOOPs? Well that?s what Amsterdam is famous about.