AMUL...the name was synonymous to butter for me ever since I was a child ....butter bole to amul was quiet later (at the age of some 10-11 )that I realized tht my mom to can prepare it at home n so there are few other companies too, but as far as my memory goes no other brand except amul(n of course home made!!)was ever bought by my father .
The reason behind the huge success is I feel the time , the era in which they evolved was very crucial ...coz at tht time consumerism was not much prevalent in society n at tht time it emerged as a leader then of course the consistency in delivering goods has made amul sachin tendulkar in dairy products specially.Over the period of time they have eveolved their brand and were able to connect to common indian in terms of price , quality, taste & avalibility(all praise to greatest supply chain management system in world !!) reaching masses .I think it is one thing/firm tht makes india proud and has re established the belief in how traditional ways of producing goods when supported by modern technology can maintain quality n quantity at the same time !!
simply tremendous job !!