Amul chocolate were always very popular all over the india as well as on mind space of consumers. we grew up imagining amul chocolate as the best in the industry. during our childhood we always found support from our parents for amul brand even with chocolate. the old ad depicting two cartoon characters (one girl and boy) symbolising the amul chocolate. the ad not only showed kids there but the oldies also, and truely it was popular with old people also.
Now it does not enjoy the same, reason lack of advertising and fierce competition. but still whenever I go to a shop and finds amul chocolate over there I will say ok I got something to eat now. still it rings all the bell within me. somehow I feel now it has become luxury for us to get the amul chocolate now, its hardly available in stores today.
Now my younger brothers and people find it as low on status symbol, but at our time it was just amul the taste, the chocolate and no status frills attached with it. yes truely it represent the taste of india with its balanced sweet and coco taste with a hard cardboard pack and fine flashing prints on it.
For me it was and will be always a journey to my childhood whenever I will be eating amul chocolate.