Amul Masti Buttermilk is a very good drink like organic Refresher, milk based natural drink.Every one drink a good for the summer season, It is a refreshing and nutritious drink perfect for health and taste to yummy. Amul Masti used for lots reason like as a health Drink, or for proper digestion, as a summer drink and more. It is very exclusive of its kind from other soft drinks, I like Amul butter, milk and I drink last 15 years Refreshing Spiced Buttermilk.
It is an easy to use low calorie drink 100% natural with the goodness of nature based ingredients. Amul Masti Spiced Buttermilk is made up of milk solids, common salt, Spices, and Condiments that further enhances the taste of the drink. Amul Masti Spiced Buttermilk is available in a wide range of packages starting from 200 ml tetra pack to 500 and 1 liter tetra pack, Kids are enjoying spicy and salty taste Amul Masti drink.