Amway is a company which I heard about from one of relatives who were member of it and had come upto us to convince us to be member of it, that’s when me and my family members came to hear about it. They briefed us all about the company policy, norms, its benfit being a member and all about its products, which are available for everyday use and for every purposes and for all ages groups.there is no doubt there are benfits for beings its members, and additional the other person is also benefited under whom one joins the company.
But the products are too costly, I mean way too costly for a common middle class person, no doubts the products are highly worth it, but the products are of out of budget for a middle class people, since majority of its members are middle class it should reduce its prices of products so that more and more people would be keen on joining it.Overall a great Company, with great benefits.