You know what is really baffling that even till now people have not realized that by being associated with Amway as a independent business partner or as a consumer you will end up losing money. I am naturally a very skeptical person and I dont believe in short cuts to get rich schemes which are basically a predators trap to prey on the weaker and gullible minds.Amway is a multi level marketing company that sells products focused on improving health.
Amway has a very huge cult like following around the world and has dig its roots deep in Indian soil too. I heard about Amway products through one of our neighbors who had come back from a seminar with few books, CDs and a stock of Amway products which included various soaps, shower gels and healthy tablets. He was a college going student who had somehow believed that he has cracked a code to become rich within 6 months. He tried to convince all the aunties in the society to buy his products and he was pretty good with his unique selling points. He was able to rope in few more people.
This group had been quite vocal about their new found business and were aggressively marketing for their products. When some of us pointed out that the products that they were trying to sell were 5 to 10 times expensive compared to what is available in the market from other reputable brands. They all just gave a simple answer that it is worth the higher price since it has great benefits but they couldnt back it up with their facts. The irony was that these people earlier mentioned that Amway is successful because it provides the healthy products at lower price.They said that since it is been sold directly by the sellers to the customers without any middle men so the cost of maintaining a retail shop with its transport, salaried employees and other expenses is all eliminated and all that is left is a lower price which was all a big fat lie since as reported by several Indian media houses that their products were really expensive. There were even cases filed against Amway CEO in addition to that a case filed against the fraudulent claim of declaring their product neutrilite as the best in market while selling at 10 times price that the other brand. Amway has paid more than$150 million dollars to settle fraud cases against them in US and it is banned in china from direct selling and it also had to pay the largest criminal tax evasion fine in Canada. One of the crazy facts is that over 90% of Amway Independent Business Owner IBOS do not make money at all in fact it is studied that only 1% of IBOs would be able to recover their money so not only you end up loosing your money, time, hope in addition to that you also do that exactly the same with someone else. You see people get in such schemes to get rich which means they are struggling in their life to stand on their own feet and such innocent minds get stuck in this system of failure. My neighbor doesnt even talk about it now and feels embarrassed about it after loosing thousands which was quite a huge amount for this college going student.I would not recommend Amway to anyone and suggest other people do the same too.