People normally do not take Direct marketing seriously in India and infact make jokes about Amway and those people who represent this very huge marketing company. Lets be positive. For one thing, Amway is one of the most successful company at what they do. For another thing, they are instrumental in moving products and also helping people understand the concepts of business, marketing and also the value of wealth. Yes Amway aligns itself with very innovative salespersons who may also sell tools, have seminars, forums, conventions and encourage their people to read motivational literature espousing the values of wealth and family and conservative ethics. So what. This book you are considering reading is the story of the company that started this entire multilevel marketing revolution. Great , but nothing new and how relevant is this to India ? We all know for a fact that in India every city has thousands of Housewives who sell something within their community, be it sarees or garments or even masala powders from their house. This level of marketing skill already exists within the community. Perhaps All that is missing is a leadership which can consolidate such activity and bring it to a multi level selling & make it a organized profitable venture and lo you may have an Indian AMWAY in the making. I think there are many unsung Amways in India which need to be written about. This could be more relevant then Amway & more inspiring to the Indian context.