Amway has been around for many, many years in the US. At one time I was in the business of selling Amway.
Yes there is money to be made but as with any business it requires a good 2 year period to build up so if you are thinking of doing this please dont quit your regular job.
You must stay on top of things with meetings and the newest products and stock samples to show people. The main thing is you need to sponsor people in to make any real money.
Selling the products is fine but because of the price many will not buy it or if they do the stuff lasts so long you wont do a resale that often.
Some of the products are great and some are really bad. The pearl dish drops for example, a small bottle costs as much as 2 large of a name brand which are a bigger size and the Amway version does not cut grease and makes hardly any suds so you can go through a bottle much too quickly.
I always disliked the presentations and trying to get other people in and I would never recommend a product I didnt like myself.
I do however belong to a company that is connected with many partner companies and Amway is one of them so I still use some of the products.
However it is still MLM no matter how you look at it and the only way to really benefit is to get others to join. I joined Quixtar about 4 months ago and still have not sponsored anyone in so am at the point of just giving up on these types of programs and looking else where for income.