Love is what I still can’t explain living with it for whole of my life and still much to explore. As I grew up love with my parents , my grandparents , my brothers , my sisters and my friends…..also grew but it does not mean that I didn’t care for them earlier it has been same as it used to be but something has definitely changed as I feel inside me…no ..its not that I have grown mature and now I understand what is meant to be ……maybe I know now how to express it or I been taken to all my responsibilities know how to show care for others. As a kid love means that everyone cares for the same but is care really enough to express ones love even an unknown can care for you …is it that he loves the guy or is it just a service by him cause he loves the humanity….well love can also be to humanity or it can be to a neighbour. Life starts and ends with it but nobody… absolutely nobody can still bound it in terms what it is .As per science I was taught in school that our brain is filled of nerve axons and their synapses and it is through the discharge of certain neurotransmitters that one expresses his feelings….if its that simple what to call it a result of chemical reaction ….no…no….it isn’t simply that what scientists think Touch therapy can actually heal a person that you love if love would have been simple chemical reaction how come it spreads out such an influence . Love is not being emotional to cry or laugh with one and to share ….it also has a component of rationality, to hold in mind what’s good and what’s bad for the person you care for .now we come right back to where we started connecting love to care .Instead I should say care is just a component or way of expressing love but not complete form of love .It is love for ones country that encourages us to fight with foreign intruders and protect our own motherland what can we say hatred to enemy is a part and participle of love again contradicting my own statement that love attaches us not divides us .
Lets start this topic from a new end, among a number of my friends two are atul and binny , as friends I love and care for them both .Atul is a simple guy and binny is very cunning as they stay together binny is used to take advantage of atul for this thing I really hate binny but apart from that as a friend he gives good company and care so I love him as a friend …..that means I love and hate the same person ?? how is that possible ????
Well one possible explanation is that I love a part of his personality and hate the other part. ..but how can we then explain the love we show to a person hurt on street who’s personality we don’t know even his name might be unknown and that we are desperate to help him with aid out of the situation.
I am still young and have to see a lot of life to come maybe when I am old enough to solve the cobweb relations of this world I may actually find some answer to it.