I came to this Hotel again.
The first time I cam here was around 4 years ago as a time share member of
sterling time share. Now they appear to have seperated from Sterling and have
gone along with another group. The theme is refreshingly different. A old
Brahmins Agraharam or sprawling residential home has been converted with a
great deal of effort into a heritahe resort. The staff are well behaved and
very pleasant. We stayed for 3 days. The hotel should take care of the overall
maintenance. It is coming apart. The ACs, the plumbings, the efficency of room
service etc. A notice put on the wall says that the residents should put up
with the Frogs, insects, deers and other God creatures, whose abode we have
taken up. Granted, but these trivial. In fact I got along famously with a Frog
which had made my toilet its home. It moved away graciously every time I had to
use it and returned after I had finished my business. But the room service was
quite a different cup of tea. One calls, then one reminds after a respectable
break. Then one reminds again and the person wants to know what exactly was
ordered. Then one tells them again. Then one waits. Then after a respectable
break, one reminds them again. This timeits on the way. So one waits
somewhat optimistically for the knock. When this does not happen, then one
calls again. This time the order is taken once more. Then fed up, one goes all
the way to the restaurant and has his order. Well this is not over. When One
checks out, one meekly PAYS FOR ALL THE 3 ORDERS. Well wish them all the luck.
Such places are not fit for Indians. Only the gullible foreigners with their
fistful of dollars will do. When they arrive, and they do arrive in truck
loads, the Hertage Hotel goes agead and makes hay.