I was in a great confusion/depression to find out the right school for my little one who can put their 100% effort to bring him out of this autistic world. Though I am aware, this is a condition which cannot be cured completely but I still believe there are well experience people who can really guide parent like me.
After trying various centers in south india, I ended up in hyderabad and came to know about ananya through a pediatrician at Rainbow childrens hospital at Kondapur. Just not only Rainbow, few nursery schools also suggested to approach Ananya for assesment.
Like any other institute, Ananya(Madhavi center head) assessed our kid for half a day. She took lot of time to assess my sons current stage and helped us with positive note that she is ready to work with him, all she requested us to have our trust and invest our time at Ananya.
I was so much impressed with her approach( why not, she by herself a mother of 15 years old autistic kid), other institutes they always first talk about the darker side of this condition and then give us the reality but Madahvi gave us full confidence and explained what she is going to do. Thats how I ended up here.
The Ananya staff was so helpful and accommodating as well. Thanks for all their guidance and support!