Do you know Android have 1294 brands and 25000 models?Selecting a better phone is not easy. Before buying a phone we need to check brand, style, specification, model, rate, features. It is always a big challenge to buy a new mobile.
Now Google introduce a website to guide and buy a suitable mobile for you.
Please note it down this web page address, it is can find better mobile for you.
How it works?
After entering to this website, you need to mention what is your usage.
For example, you need to mention any of three among the below usages
Taking Photos or Listening Music or Being Productive or Social Media or Gaming or Watching videos or Staying fit or Texting and instant message or talking or Web browsing or Expressive my style. You need to choose most of your 3 usages.
After that it would suggest different kind of categorize like latest phones, price, best phone for your options.
It cannot be exact solution but it gives you wider option to choose your mobile and to know more interesting models. It helps to make easy decisions and know about nearly 1000 phones, their details and usefulness
So you need not go to find every website to chose a right phone, it is easy and has given all information.However this services are made for Americans but we can find all Android model in this single web-page.
This is the best website to know about Android phones. Please make use of it.
Thanks & Regards,