Angels & Demons, (written by Dan Brown), is a novel about an ancient brotherhood, The Illuninati. They are very secretive, and have made a new weapon of mass destruction.
My Review:
Robert Landon works at Harvard University. He is a syblogoist. He is asked to come to a Research Centre in Switzerland.
They have found a strange symbol, branded on the chest of a Physicist who has been murdered.
I hope this gave you enough of the flavor of the plot that you will read this book your self!
The Vatican is the target of this weapon.
The Best Part:
Leonardo Ventra, (a Physicist), smelled his flesh burning. He started at the man who was above him and asked, What do you want?
La chaive, (the password).
Ventra answers, There is no password.
The man said, Ne avevo paura, (I was afraid of that).
Ventra felt the darkness closing in, he was beginning to see a point of white light.....
What I Thought:
Dan Brown always develops his characters well. He knows how to build up his plots, until the hair on your arms stand up.
This book is jam packed with evil men. This book is part mystery, part mysticism, part thriller, brings up real ancient conspiracies and a lot of action.
There is a twist in this book, and its a good one. I was mislead and though I knew who the bad men was. And I was wrong!
The Author:
Dan is the son of a Math Professor. He grew up surrounded by religion, philosophies and science.
Dan Brown graduated from Amherst College and the Phillips Exeter Academy. He became an English Teacher, but found he was interested in breaking codes.
His wife is an art historian and a painter. She helps him with some of the research for his books.
His first book was called The Digital Fortress.
If you would like to know more about him the link is:
Other Information:
This book is available in audio casket, hardcover and paperback. I bought the paperback book for $8.00 CAD.
It was published by the Mass Market Publishing House, in 2003.
ISBN# 0-671-02735-2
I Hope:
I hope that if you have not read this book yet, that you will buy or go to you library and get it.
Thanks for reading my review.
I will be away for two weeks.