Hello Everyone,
I am extremely pleasured to write about one of my favourite books, Animal Farm. It was written by the legendary writer in English- George Orwell. The book was published in 1945. It has some relations with the Russian Revolution. The book is very interesting. I dont have much knowledge to compare the events at the time of this revolution and the events in this book, but I will try my level best to bring out the knowledge I have.
The book was published during the time of Second World War. As a result of the war, there was a shortage of paper. This inturn resulted in the limited editions of the book. There were only a few copies published at the time. Also, the book was titled as Animal Farm: A Fairy Story, by Orwell. Only the Telugu edition of the book retained its full name. The name was cshotened by the publishers because they considered there was no market for childrens story.(Fairy Story usually points to childrens story). There was also a rumour that one of the charecters resembles Stalin. Orwell told this openly to the public. All these led to the success of the book. But unfortunately Orwell died in January 1950.
The story of this book is led by a number of pigs. This makes the book entertaining. Manor Farm was the venue. Mr. Jones, a man, was the owner of Manor Farm. He used to drink a lot (....of alchohol, in their language) and he often forgot to give food to his animals. A lot of animals were there in the farm. One day, the old Major (who?) proclaimed his comrades to fight or organise a rebellion against this injustice. They won the rebellion and started ruling themselves. At first they decided that they would nt imitate human beings, but this was changed. Their effort to make a windmill was very clearly given in the book. There are a lot of interesting things in this story. The Great Battle of Cowshed is an example. Usually we name wars by giving the name of the place where it was fought. Eg: Battle of Plassey Paniput and so on. Their battle was fought in a cowshed, so they gave this funny name. They also had their own song like we had. Its name is Beasts of England. This used to boost them a lot. They also had their laws, which were changed according to the situation.
It is the history of a revolution that went wrong-and of a the excellent excuses that were forthcoming at every step for the perversion of the original doctrine, wrote Orwell in the first edition of the book. He also describedthe book as primarily a satire on the Russian Revolution. Anyway this book is quite interesting and is written in a simple language. Orwell is a typical English writer as complimented by Bernard Crick.
Do read........
The War Broadcasts
The War Commentries
3.The Lion and Unicorn
- Down and Out In Paris and London
5.Burmese Days
- Nineteen Eighty Four
and lot more.............