I am writing this review for traders and investor like me. Anirudh sethi is running a blog as anrudhsethireport.com. Please dont pay single penny for his service. I am a ex subscriber of his service. This is what I have been through during his subscribtion. He will give 20 calls at a time out of which 2 or 3 will succeed and the rest will fail. Later on his website he will pat his back for those 2 or 3 stocks but he will say nothing about 17 stocks which have failed to give any gains plus u loose some much with stops getting triggered. this process will repeat till the end of your subscription..
Plus he is very arrogant on phone as if he is doing a favor by giving u his service, asking him anything is impossible as he is very rude and will disconnect the call. If someone replies or posts a positive review dont beleive him as he will be a associate of anirudh or anirudh himself. I wont gain anything by writing a bad review this is the trutpedh nothing will change it. Believe me u will go thought the same thing if you pay him.if this review has helped you please rate it or write a review of own so it can help others.