I was a regular watcher of Chitthi which I rate as one
of the best mega serials which did not get the time it
required to finish and I feel Annamalai is not living
up to the expectation of Chitthi. I do agree to get
the success what Chitthi got is very hard to achieve.
But, the story pattern in Annamalai is almost the same
as Chitthi to name a few
- In Chitthi the first wife of Sivakumar is found
missing and Sivakumar thinks she is dead. In
Annamalai Radhikas husband is found missing and
Radhika thinks he is dead. In both the serial they
return back alive.
The mystery of killing continues in Annamalai also.
Radhika becomes famous in a short span of time
in both the serials.
- Radhika suffers the maximum hardship in both the
- Ajay Rathinam losses his first wife and does not
have happy life with the second also in both the
- All the pairs are separated like shuffling of cards
in both the serials.
Their are many other common points in the serial which
makes the viewing boring. Why it is so common is it
because they believe in following the victory path
instead of writing a different path to success.
The serial needs lot of fine tuning and it has to go
in a different path. I feel more like watching
Chitthi 2 then Annamalai.
But to say frankly Annamali is far better than some of
the serials like Chamba, Alagal, Sindhu Bairavi II and
so on.