This is a typical Shankars movie. Lavish sets, exaggerated incidents, good visuals, etc., are present in the movie. But where is logic? You require a CBI to find it.
Split personality is not new to Tamil audience who have seen Vidadhu Karuppu serial. That forms the basis for cleansing the society by the hero. If corruption by the Govt. officials is Indian and dereliction of duty by the same Govt. ppl is Mudhalvan then correcting bad people who pee in the road is Anniyan. BTW he corrects them by killing them. This is the logic he gives.
anniyan: Is one person pee-ing in the road wrong?
common man: No
a: is 5 crore ppl peeing in the road wrong
cm: seems to be wrong
a: is 5 crore ppl peeing in the road 5 crore times wrong
cm: it is wrong
a: thats why I am going to kill you
Take any Shankars movie and there will be logical flaws. But this seems to have only logical flaws. I am giving below the list which is not exhaustive.
commonly known flaws
Why Prakash raj and Vivek dont come as police in the murder spot?
why prakash raj comes as Ayanpuram to meet Ambi to get the jumbled Sanskrit words which Anniyan wrote?
Is sada so stupid that she does not know that Remo resembles Ambi?
How Ambi-Anniyan-Remo transition happens so fast with even the make up changing.
not so commonly known flaws
The computer experts of the police tell that all the 5 complaints sent by the complainant are sent from the same address. The to address is also the same. But in one scene Ambi sends one complaint from a railway station (after rejecting the bad meals).
Prakash Raj after capturing Ambi tortures him. Ambi/Anniyan fight with Prakash Raj and Co. Vivek records that with the help of camera fixed in the wall. But when the same recordings are shown to the Judge they show a moving camera capturing the encounter between Anniyan/Ambi and Prakash raj.
Shankar knows the pulse of the audience. When Ambi types he showed how IE opens the page. It shows all the html pages stacked like files in a room and the internet picking the correct web page. He also shows google search pages as simple html files available in the internet. Only a person who has not seen computer can appreciate this. I and my friend could not control the laughter after seeing this.
Watch this movie for good dialogues, good comedy, good fight scenes (though they are all copied), etc.,