If u want to know the future of the world, your future, and the future of everyone around you:Quit reading those horoscopes.Read this book.You will then know the future of every man and woman born and to be born on this planet.If you dont like what you see in that globe then take action now to change it.Trust me.Every word you read in that book will happen.I can see it.So could she.If you cant then read The Fountainhead.Read The Atlas Shrugged.Read my reviews of those books.Change into a human being before it is too late. Let us save the human species while there is still a chance.The world limit is still not exceeded.Well, it neednt be.There is no point in elaborating on anything.The book is only 100 pages and it wont take up your precious time that is all I can tell. I shall treat you on the Mars if you wish but do read this book and the other two I have mentioned above.I love the human species and I desire to save it from extinction.We does not love the human species.I do.