I would like to say about anu malik which could be a difference with some people. But according to me.. I must say anu malik is not a class act and most of the ppl know that and most of people know that he is a big time copycat. But what i want to know why he shows so much of useless attitude when he is a judge or when he gives an interviews..
People today blame and criticise voice o himesh reshamiya but one should think he was the one who has the worst voice of them all.. His songs such as chakle chakle , garam chai ki payali etc etc etc... He got many og\f those unbearable songs. Its not wrong to say that most of music director copy something or the other from western world.. But the thing is the way he copies or the songs he copy from other original tracks.. I.e. The famous songs ..
Still he thinks he is the best music director.
Well, I must say he is a fine music director who behaves like somehow extra talented music director and i request him to please stop singing in his music albums..