Hi, I have been to this builder few week back and seen their projects. finished and ongoing. One thing is very appreciative that they introduce new ideas in their every next project. Just sitting and checking about builders , i cam across this mouth-shut also and saw the information given here . So I subscribed just now to mouth shut.
Its true that I was not able to meet the owner about whom I heard a young man with lot of ideas from his staff. They were saying before every project for any flat or house he would think himself as customtakeouter , till he is satisfied with all arrangements.Really it was so impressive to hear this.
But what I see here in the reviews doesnt seems to fit on this builder, looks like someone giving reviews based on revenge or jealousy. I sent a mail to Mr Hitesh about this mouth shut also , asking him the clarifications on people comments. Lets see whats true and whats not.Personally , I would recommend this company for people who knows what is real.