I am Jayaraj a Civil Engineer with Ethics and service motto
I saw the Anupam Builder claims that he has done a good Job and telling lies.
Basically that fellow Hitesh is a Marwadi dealing money
Somehow he entered in field of real estate and doing all frauds. From the beginning I was telling him to do some service to buyers other wise Name and reputation will go off. But he says In this world no one remembers the service and simply make money on every opportunity. I was involved in 4 projects which were a real shabby work. First he will not discuss about the ground area UDS with flat buyers. He will show a flat plan without any measurements. By word of mouth he will say dimensions if customer is clever they have to note down and ask for his sign on that. Almost all customer will not do.
Next comes common area. Initially he will say 16% he is allotting and after construction you will find around 30%. In my opinion all customers do not insist on approved plan before paying or getting into deal. Once the first payment is received you can never get anything from Hitesh. Then after Politely he will threaten.
We can make a beginning by making money demands, polite as they may be, out of acceptance and realization that ’HE’ ‘GH “Hitesh” knows, what buyer need and will fulfil that need with telling threatening and harassing ’HIM’ once , but several times.
This was the lesson we were asked to follow honestly. Our salaries and bread winning were from these activities. How politely we parry the important questions of buyer like documents, Plan and commitments before getting in to trap our success lies.
Major threat I was asked to make by peanalizing the customer for their interventions during flat construction. For example if one customer ask the pooja cupboard to be on east side for shifting I was asked to charge money equivalents for my Bi monthly expenses of petrol , salary, phone etc.
Two of the customers gave money for stage payment in black to tune of 8 Lacs once. We had out standing and we had to pay the construction contractor around 9Lacs . I asked the Hitesh to spare 8 lacs and the reply what I got was a proposed construction buyer ( where in Plan is not ready) will give advance and from that meet this building which is 60% complete. He took all the money to North India trip for Pleasure!!!!!!!!
So as result construction did not progress fight with contractor.. contractor worker involved in illegal work inside site for bread winning .. Police complaint was to go ……
You people buyers are closing eyes and coming for flat. The finance to be preferably arranged by yourselves. Becoz all private bankers were paid salary by "Anupam" . If lender once sign papers then money will flow to Hitesh just like that and you will pay interest".
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