I bought 5 AO Smith geysers in Sept 2011 for my apartment in Gurgaon. I thought this was an American brand so the product should be good.
By Jan 2012, the outlet pipe at the Geyser end started rusting for ALL 5 GEYSERS. The connection pipe was fine, the AO Smith engineer visited and verified that the rusting is happening inside the Geyser and theres nothing much that can be done.
This is a serious manufacturing defect. As per the ISI standards, Geysers are not supposed to use components that will rust. In a few months from now, the rusted pipes will start leaking.
I was also informed by the engineer that is is mostly because the components inside the Geyser are Chinese and these kinds of issues are coming up in recently assembled products.
Ive decided to pursue the case at the highest level - if required, I will go to the consumer court and also complain the bureau of Indian Standards to withdraw the certification to AO Smith.
Just thought I should post this for anyone buying these Geysers - please dont be fooled by this American sounding name. In my previous house, Ive had Venus and Cropmton Greaves geysers for years without any problems.