This is my review on mouthshut.i wrote this review after seeing the aprichit and fanna.but here I am writing the review of aparichit .me is a great fan of Shankars and also from from south india.i like the craftman ship of south indian directors that really misssing in the bollywood directors.Now iam coming in to the movie.
this movie is a dubbed version of Mega hit Annyan(Aparichit).back drop of this films are bad dubbing and and story line which is seen in lots of movies these days(Nayak, 4 the people-malayalam movie, rang de basanti).
Plus points------One of the best technically perfect movie you ever seen in indian cinema, stunts are really matching to Hollywood Films(matrix), Direction , acting of Vikram.and Good Music(hear the tamil version not hindi ).Hindi version of music is very pathetic.Picturisation the song are brilliant .
its a value for money for your weekend .you will never disappointed after seeing this movie.
beware dont throw away your ticket in public road after coming out of theatre aprichit will be watching you ??????????????????????????????