Summary: Builders salesman provided information to me that I can dispose of my flat during the period of construction as well. Based on this I have paid an advance of Rs. 54000/=. After 21 days, talking to another official in Builders office, I came to know that my belief is not correct.
Knowing this I asked the builder to cancel my booking and return the advance. But unfortunately, the builder is keeping a wishy-washy position on the matter and not providing a proper response to me on the matter. This could be because they do not want to return my advance booking amount.
Important dates:
Date of booking: 18/10/2012
Date of unit cancellation: 7/11/2012
Last written communication from the builder: 14/12/2012
Last phone communication from the builder: 5/1/2013
Some facts:
After a day I booked my flat, I have received emails and phone calls on various offers on referral for selling further flats. But I had never received a copy of documents that builder made me a sign. I went with Lodha brand and signed papers within 2 hrs of visiting their premise.
Later when we had a discussion on cancellation and wrong information provided to me, builder always mentioned that it is written in the agreement that I signed. If that is the case, I would expect the builder to ask all buyer to read terms and conditions before. At the same time, a hard copy of documents should be handed over to buyers.
The bad part is I still receive phone calls from Lodha to refer my friends and further promotional calls, but I never receive calls on my advance issue. Very unfortunate and unprofessional attitude from the builder.