Let me explain how APC comsidersOut of Warranty customers asOutlaws
I bought an APC UPS for very fact that it would be a MNC brand and I would get good reliable service. Surprise, Surprise, the brand might sound good but they do not even know the S of service.
Firstly, the UPS malfunctioned within a few months which they replaced with a dirty, run down machine. On replacement, di I get to know that they have a policy to replace than repair. Sound good, but the company should be sent to the docks as the replacement is a reconditioned UPS and not a New one. They compensate a company defective product with a reconditioned product is their way of thanking you for choosing them. We never know the fate of the battery life of a recnonditioned product. Is this policy applicable worldwide? OR only in India?
Enough of the product, lets cry on service. Out of waranty APC customers are treated as outlaws. The toll free number will accept your companit but will not register it as you yourself have to complain to the service centre. Agents say thats the procedure which is not so and they unflinchingly lie saying that its mentioned on the web site(obviously another lie). They also look to be a protected lot as they refuse to give their seniors detail or escalate unless you write them a mail. Oh, they are good enough to tell you that if you want prompt service, you need to chase the service center.
Secondly they are more intersted in ensuring that you agree for their charges abut least concerned resolving your complaint
Last but not the least - they take 7 days to rectify a complaint. Like an Elton John songIm still standing
For APC, UPS mean Uniterrupted Problems Supplied
Anil J. Rebello