I think Cradle is pretty ordinary overall. We just had a son, our second child, and feel that the experience was basic, while the cost was not (our first child was born at Sitaram Bhartia in Delhi, which was fantastic).The pros: good staff, in nursing.
The anesthetist (Dr.Mahesh) was good, very professional. The staff in the OT were good, and Dr.Jyothi Menon, efficient.The cons: the same doctor, Dr.Jyothi Menon, is however, an old world dinosaur, who does not like it if you read up or do your own research. She believes in telling you that she knows everything, however, on some basic points her knowledge was strangely suspect.When it comes to infrastructure, the place sucks! The pharmacy is not open 24 hrs, which is strange.
The food is horrible! Tasteless, poor preparation, low in quantity and quality. The NST machine was not working once. The ear test machine did not work throughout our stay. The rooms are also very weird. Some luxury rooms are large and nice, some are like tiny grottoes you wouldnt want to look at - BUT AT THE SAME PRICE. This is exploiting the goodwill of the patient, over the first-come-first-serve model.The billing is non-transparent.
The luxury package could be X, but the doctor will charge 10-15k more as her fees, in spite of the package claiming that the same is included! Then there is the billing for even spending 15 minutes somewhere, although it could be that the staff first took you there, before shifting you. Very shady and non-transparent.Overall, the cons outweigh the pros. I would not recommend this place to anyone, in spite of the publicity. I think they are pretty basic in their offering, extremely commercial, and the cost-benefit just doesnt hold.