My wife is having Endometriosis problem. In April 2011, A big cyst was diagnosed in Left Ovary and a small cyst was diagnosed in right ovary. We went to Dr Kini for advice. He advised us to go for Laparotomy(open surgery) rather than going for Laparoscopy which had already been done twice and a third one was not suggestive. According to Dr. Kini, By Laparotomy cyst wall would be removed and that would solve the problem for next 2-3 years and during this time we can try for pregnancy.
She got operated in May 2011 and he removed only Left Ovary Cyst and left right side cyst as it was. She was given Luproid Injection for stopping period for next 3 months. She got period in Dec ‘ 2011. We visited to Dr kini in Jan 2012 and he suggested that now everything is fine and we can try naturally for pregnancy next 2-3 months.
Again, We went to Dr Kini in march, 2012 with post surgery Ultrasound report. After seeing the report, He said that the right ovary cyst has now become big and there are chances of getting more cysts sooner or later and all other problems are existing and we don’t have any options other than going to IVF.
If this is the case then what is the use of Laprotomy. All these problems should be fixed during operation. Earlier Laparoscopy had given her relief for at least 2 years.
We spent around 1 Lakh in this operation and my wife didnt get any relief from this operation, instead, we suffered financially, physically and mentally.We are feeling cheated by Dr Kini.