Writing the review after a long time, after my sons birth in Cradle, Koramangala. By appearance may be the Cradle looks superb. But they are not even capable for handling their primary specialization. Reason of having such a bad review is that
After labor of my wife, it took long time for doctors to attend my wife. She was in extensive pain, and doctor was not present for a long time, even during delivery.
After normal delivery, the attendant doctor didnt stitch properly. Which was a real concern, as a maternity hospital, they dont even execute their primary task properly.
Response was not that great. By having foto op and other useless stuff it doesnt become a great hospital.
Anesthesia and pain killer was not given properly, because of that pain continued for long even after delivery. Even the pain killer didnt work.
As stitch was poorly done, that we have to go back to hospital again after 15 days, as pain was still there. So the doctor has to remove the earlier stitch and restitch it. Which is really pathetic.
Even after restitching the antibiotic was not prescribed and the pain killer didnt work. So we have to consult another doctor for another medicine, which works well.
For restitching also it has been charged, which is happened due to their fault.
Finally for pediatric, we gave the vaccination for my son(just one month) and daughter(5 yrs.), they didnt had painless injection. The injection was given is like giving to an animal.
For 3 days they had the pain.
That was the last time I visited the cradle. its a worthless hospital, and I found Sagar is far better in medication compared to Cradle.