Dr. Shashikala Hande consults in Cradle, Bangalore and if any of you is going to her or thinking of going to her, please look for a new doctor immediately. We were going to her and my wife had developed a urine infection in the 3rd month. Dr. Sashikala prescribed Tetracycline which I read in the internet that it is not safe to be taken during pregnancy. When I told her, she disagreed and said that the internet is not your doctor. We then went for a second opinion and that doctor was shocked to see this medicine being prescribed. She also said that to treat the urine infection there are alternative medicines which are safe during pregnancy and prescribed my wife a different medicine. From that day, we never went back to Sashikala. Hence I would advise everyone not to go to her. She acts too overconfident when she actually doesnt know what she is doing. All she can do is talk so much unnecessarily and
give so much cooked up gyan. She will not focus on the main thing and catch hold of some other remotely minuscule issue and rant about it and waste time.Cradle itself has very inexperienced staff and even the attendants near the consultation rooms dont know how to handle customers. whenever we used to go, especially on weekends, there would be a total chaos in the consultation area. Cradle needs to realise that just giving a five star experience does not make you a good hospital. They need better doctors and nurses and staff. And they need to get rid of doctors like Sashikala Hande who just play around with the patients and unborn babys lives.