Dr. Prakash Kini who is supposed to be a God for many people but actually he is just good for plain vanilla deliveries. He is over confident of his profession but actually he cannot handle complicated pregnancies. His knowledge is very little. No doubt he will do good if its a repeated simple case but Horrible if something new comes up. My antinatal scan said that the child had severe bilateral dialated ureters. he kept on telling "So far So good". he did not know what it means. finally I delivered a baby whose kidneys are not performed well. the future of child is dark. Dr. Kini is responsible for this. Very Arrogant and when his fault he is very polite. No mother knows in advance how her pregnancy will shape later. if its simple, you are in best hands but if there is complication, you will land up having a ill child. I must say having a still born is hundred times better than an ill child. If I can, I would like to take away the license of Dr. Kini.