I had a horrible exp with Dr Prakash Kini at cradle bangalore, as many others...he is extremely rude, interruptive and doesnt like to listen patiently, to ones concerns...he is always busy (Well known u c !!!!) and has no time to waste on ones issues..(Even if it is extremely worrisome for u!!!) .tends to just talk... talk and talk and conclude based on his theories.....pls think twice before approaching him...he may be famous but I m not sure how capable he is....
Doctors are meant to be comforting and not someone who makes u feel sick about your condition and fall into depression…specially if ur looking up to someone who is supposed to be intelligent enough to understand a patient’s worries. Henceforth, my advise to all the readers looking for a good experience with GYNs… would be, to do some more research and opt for someone who is patient and is ready to listen to you when ur trying to explain something to them….good luck