The experience at cradle was highly disappointing andannoying for us. First and foremost we never found a personal touch with thedoctor. We were just one of his long lists of patients. Whenever we called himon phone, he wouldn’t be able to recognize us. Secondly, whenever we approachedhim during OPD, he wouldn’t recall anything till the file comes before his eyes.
I started passing red clots and discharges after a fewmonths of pregnancy, and whenever I called him, he never asked me to rush tohim immediately, I was always asked not to be overactive and take rest. Andwhenever we reached him, he did an internal examination and his views were thesame. Finally, after a whole month of such episodes when one day I felt thatnow this is not just a red discharge, instead I am bleeding like menstrualperiods; I reached him and it was then when I was asked to undergo anultrasound scan.
And we just broke into tears, when the ultrasound doctortold me that I had lost my baby, infact I was carrying a dead baby since lastone whole month, and this is the time to get it cleared immediately before itis too late. Me and my husband went to the doctor with lots of questionsbombarding our minds and looking for someone who could console our cryinghearts, but it was a highly shocking experience about the conversation thattook place in his cabin
Doctor- dear there’s bad news for you,
Me in tears, - I know it doctor,
Doctor- we have to get an immediate D & Eprocedure to remove the dead one,
and then
next question to my husband— which insurance do you carry?.
No words of consultation, no counseling that could havehelped us to get out of that mental trauma, no discussions on where we wentwrong, how could this have happened…just one single word. WHICH INSURANCE?
Luckily I had my parents with me around, who kept mymorals high, and finally I was taken to the deluxe room( you don’t have alower category option), which was equipped with LDP bed, LCD TV, A nicerefrigerator and everything designer and ultramodern, the shower was alsogreat… it definitely gave me feeling of FIVE Star hotel. nursing staff wasdefinitely courteous. Then I was visited by a doctor who called herself a gynecand she spent enoughtime explaining all my questions, but my own doctor whom Iwas paying such a high fees for last so many months did not visit me before theprocedure.
After the operation was over and I was taken back to theroom, the doctor visited me when I were in a semi conscious state. Even duringthis visit doctor didn’t try to make us feel comfortable, all that we got washis precious 5 min.Also, during this visit doctor was accompanied by two otherladies. My husband was trying to get answer to why this happened, should we beworried for next time… Typical questions that a human being will have…At thispoint of time one of the ladies accompanying doctor started giggling and sinceshe couldn’t control herself after a min she walked out of the room. Not surehow someone who is accompanying a doctor can be so insensitive to laugh at thetrauma of a patient and her companion.
To top it all for that 5 minutes of procedure, we werecharged 18000 by the doctor only….(which is generally 1000-5000) in otherhospitals . The total bill of getting that dead fetus out was 35000, and afterpaying such an high amount we were left entirely alone with our mental agonies…
Our recommendation…DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT CRADLE. It’s agood five star like place to pamper yourself but not a fit place to undergomaternity procedure.