We had very bad experience with Dr. Kishore. We have gone for general check up(consulting fee 500/-) for my kid(6 months old) and complained that he his shaking his head very often. Dr. has suggested for an EEG and blood tests for which 3500/- has been charged. The worst thing I notice was, while suggesting for the diagnosis, Dr Kishore has said to visit him after a week. That itself states, he has suggested it for money. As we were bit worried to see EEG in the diagnosis list, we got the reports very next day and went to the Hospital.
Dr. Kishore has declined to see the reports as he was busy with other patients and asked us to come next day. We went on the next day and surprised to hear that we have to pay RS 200/- to show the reports. I wanted to know why it has been charged to show the reports. They checked with the doctor and the answer was it is a follow up charge. Since I have questioned them, they were not ready to send me. They said I have to wait till all the appointments gets over(Most of them were for vaccination, that will fetch them more money). As I have asked why is it so, Dr. Kishore has come out and said he is not ready to see us and asked us to get out of the hospital. It was a shocking behavior from a professional doctor. I told him that is not the way to respond.
He said it is not a charity hospital to question them nor a corporate hospital to follow some guidelines. Its their wish on how to behave and how to charge. If patients are not interested they dont need to come.
We wouldnt have questioned him if it is a charitable hospital. As we are paying money we have questioned him. Moreover, if any tests are suggested like EEG, as a parent we worry a bit and want to show the reports as soon as possible.
I dont suggest anybody to go cradle, as they are purely money minded.