On premiums -
I have taken a policy for my parent aged 60- the premium I paid when I took this policy was 4000/- for a summ assure of 1lakh. But when I wanted to renew policy for the next year - they charged me ridiculously high premium of Rs 6700/- saying they charge so much for age band of 61-65! this inpite of having no claims what so ever.
the premium this company charges is no where near what other compalies charge for the same age group. their website does not give an premium table nor they mention this in the policy documents as to how the premium increases when it come to renewal
take a look at this comparative chart to realize how this company is just fooling around customers
On Portability -
this is just an eye wash so that they customers who have other health insurance policy to switch over - though I had a policy from ICICI health insurance - these people refused to give me the portability benefits(on waiting period exclusions, no claim bonus) stating - that I had to take the policy exactly 15 days before the renewal of the old policy(which is again not stated in their website nor any brochure) and that I took the policy 45 days earlier! they also insist onno claim bonus certificate which no health insurnace companies provide as of now! ICICI customer service say they only give this for motor insurnace!
All these private health insurance companies have no regulations to follow - they can make any rubbish rules and dupe customers