Recently I had gone through myshare of bad experience with Apollo DKV... My earlier insurance company wasIFFCO Tokio... which I thought was ok, but after this experience I think thoseguys are definitely better then Appollo DKV.
Apollo DKV guys are pretty bad ..right from high Premium cost, poor Staff response, tedious Medicalsexaminations, poor claims settlement they are pathetic in every way. For every issue they have some proceduraljustification which seems so ridiculous to believe.
Even their claim of widelyacceptance is fake... there are better options. Not sure why Apollo wants todamage their good image.
When I took the premium few monthsback their Sales guy talked about Apollos reputation... range of illnesscovered etc... but none of them is true ... I think PSU insurance companieswould be a better option then these guys. Thumbs down to Apollo DKV, dontfall into the sales teams trap.