I am 63 years old, and in good heath - I have not even seen my physician in the last three years! I applied for a family medical insurance (for my wife and I). They promptly collected the premium which is close to Rs 40000 around the last week of July 2010. Then they asked us to take a medical test, (which was refundable). We did the test and in fact the doctor who examined me was surprised to note that my blood pressure was 110/70 (which by the way is excellent).
However I was surprised when they rejected our application saying that I do not qualify! My daughter who is a graduate from Lady Harding and also has completed the requirements for MD from Pittsburgh (USA) looked at the results and said that there is no reason to reject the application.At any rate, they had suggested that even though they had rejected our application, if we provided some more information about my wifes illnes (which had happened about 14 years ago) and give more money they would cover her alone.
I naturally assumed that our collective application was invalid and asked the local representative and again his (local) supervisor to refund the money. This was on 30July2010. I received a phone from the company 3-4 days later asking whether we were considering continuing my wifes coverage with them, which we promptly rejected and indicated to rep. that we wanted the refund at the earliest, so that we can get another insurance company to cover us.
I found out on 12 Aug 2010 that the application had not been cancelled! I asked them to cancel it and it was entered in their computers on 12 Aug 2010. On 17 Aug 2010, I got a call from a customer representative saying that the cancellation was effected on that day - imagine 5 days to confirm a cancellation.
I asked them as to when I can expect the refund, and they said 15 working days! This is their way of enjoying our hard earned money. In these days of high technology and computers, I am appalled to note that it would take 15 days, never mind 15 working days. You just have to enter the cancellation and the process should automatically trigger the refund - in fact it should have been done on 30 July and if not, at least on 12 Aug. After a long discussion, the supervisor said that he would expedite the refund to us as a special case.
Guess what as of this writing on 3 September 2010, I have not seen the money.
They blame everything on system - I say what is a system, it has been created by people and if they care about what they are doing, they would set up the system such that these things are expedited automatically - sure some checks are required, but it should not take more that three weeks to get the refund.
They hide behind "the system" - I am glad that I am not part of their "system"! If they are taking such a long time to clear the refund which is legitimately owed to me, imagine how long they would take to let you know whether a illness is covered under their "system" or not. and if you had already taken remedial action, god help you to get the money from them.....
Update as of 7 September 2010:
As mentioned above, on 17 Aug 2010, they officially cancelled our application. I talked to one of the managers and he promised to expedite the refund (after about an hour of arguments). I find from the cheque (that was delivered today) that it was written on 28 Aug 2010 - a full 11 days after one of the managers promised to expedite - so if you expecting anything to move fast, be prepared to wait for at least two weeks for them to take the first action.
Someone called me on 3 Sept and told me that the cheque has been delivered to Chennai rep. as of that day. And yesterday someone called again to confirm that and the local rep called me to say that he will drop it off. Of course he DID NOT - may be the "system" didnt allow him to! I got the cheque this morning. Can you imagine - a full three weeks to get a refund which had been entered into the "system". Good luck if you are part of their "system" I am glad that I am not...