Got my younger brother admitted to Apollo-Chennai(Greems Road) on 29th Aug08(Bed No.3363-3rd Floor) to get treated for viral fever. I regret the decision and request the readers to not to get any of your family/friends admitted to Apollo(Chennai) for any kind of treatment.
Ordeal faced:
1.There are various set of medical packages that gets added on to your bill without notice. (X-ray for fever).
2.Non Availability of doctors for treatment.
3.Order for any kind of medical attention.takes at least 1hr to get the response.
4.Gravest of all is that.they make the patient undergo sever pains and elongate the disease to increase the bill.(Treatment currnet cost is close to Rs.20K)
Im getting him discharged from the hospital tomorrow(1st Sep08) on my own. Money is no a matter.but the pain that a man of 24 has been made to undergo is unforgivable.
You guys suck.and your only means existance is to mint money from public.Ill never ever recommend nor get any one admitted to your hospital
Signing off .with lot of grief,