My mother was in isabel hospital mylapore for Knee replacement operation, those killers give wrong medication. HER white cells came down less than 1000, we requested to move to Apollo, within an hour Jose from hematologist and Ravichandran from dermatology came to Isabell and promised to do bone marrow biopsy and skin biopsy , we moved to Apollo
On Saturday evening, they didnt give any medication, and they never turned on Sunday, the cCU doctor said jose and ravi wont work on Sundays. Monday Jose said he is thinking to do biopsy where he said in Isabell he will do and he asked to arrange donors for white cells where blood bank closes sharply at 6.00 pm in Apollo.
Tuesday morning they said they will do dialysis and giving an anti biotic which costs 25000 rupees. Also every mins they ask are you affordable, and ccu costs 25000 to 40000 per day. Tuesday morning they said She cant survive today and said they can try, but sadly my mother passed away.
The doctor in isabel said they are not responsible, coolly said drug allergy. SHE is 65 never expose to any allergic to any normal medication.
The surgeon said my job is over and said the physician is following Apollos doctors advice, looks like these robbers have links and discuss how to loot money from patients.
Apollo set target to each robber to get x amount of money every month.
Wondering how these buggers survive, one day or the other these guys will feel when it comes to their own family member, not sure whether feel for it since they are merciless robbers.