Please if you care about your loved ones, DO NOT take them to this hospital. I am not sure if it is lack of knowledge or a technique to mint money or a combination of both, but they do not preform preventive care. They wait for the disease to advance to a stage where it almost becomes incurable. It seems like thats when they are able to extract more from the patients pockets by getting them to admit in the hospital and perform all kinds of surgeries/radiation/chemo therapies. Life is very cheap. They dont give two hoots about the patient.
My mom and now my friends mom, both pleaded for CT scans for their cancer. It absolutely horrifies me to think the patient has to advise the doc what they need to do. In my moms case, the doc openly in a public forum (quite shamelessly) that the patient had asked him to perform the CT Scans and thats when they found the advanced stage of the tumor. My mom passed away. In my friends moms case, the patient begged for CT Scans, which the doctor refused vehemently saying that the X-Rays do a good enough job (that should tell you a lot about this doc). This was three months ago.
And now she is on her death bed in a hospital in California.These guys at Apollo are murderers. SO please be forewarned.