Needless to say we are regretting our decision to choose Apollo Munich for medical insurance, when we opted for it going bySERVICE as heard from others
at that time when weported our insurance to Apollo Munich. Probably its time for another such PORT.
Fed up receiving consecutive mails and letters with ever growing mandatory requirements to proceed further with claim OF POLYTRAUMA from road traffic accident leading to multiple fractures and complications like pulmonary embolism, in spite of having submitted all necessary and relevant documents as demanded.
Being a doctor and a surgeon myself I could not comprehend how come records of previous abdominal surgery and then the body weight of the patient in 2014 with its record is mandatorily important and comes in the way of processing this CLAIM for hospitalisation for accidental poly-trauma from a road traffic accident with multiple fracures?
Please anyone enlighten me if possible.
The patient sustained fractures involving both her pelvic rami and communiated fracture of left shaft femur and also suffered from pulmonary embolism leading to oxygen desaturation requiring ICU care with ventilatory support for part of her stay in the hospital. She is still requiring physiotherapy on advice from her orthopaedics in Sancheti Hospital.
Apollo Munich Insurance claim processing dept have neither acknowledged nor answered any of my mails in this connection but kept on sending consecutive mails one after another, adding yet another so called new MANDATORY QUERY. The intention is clear. Their arrogance and indifference is so high that this did not stop even after my complaint to the Customer care and escalating it later to the grievance cell yesterday! Another mail with addition of yet anothermandatorily important query was sent today.
Now this is too difficult to bear with.
Someone who had to fight for life in a Hospital after poly trauma and who is still requiring physiotherapy to walk properly is thus being humiliated with such needless personal questions like her body weight 3 years back on the plea of processing her justifiable insurance claim.
This is a serious human rights issue too.
Claim I.D:581187
Case I.D nos: 3334444/3335729