The more awful company I have ever seen. They will baffle you so much that, it cant be portrayed in words.
Never at any point purchase any arrangement from Apollo Munich, in light of the fact that at the season of crisis, they will truly torment you. They are slightest worried about consumer loyalty. My dad was determined to have a basic ailment and needed to experience a prompt surgery.
To get an introductory endorsement we needed to sit tight for 2 days and need to give them such a variety of documents(not at one go and remembering that we have been a normal arrangement holder from last 5 assert free years).
They will take after the KYC standards at the season of confirmation in the clinic. Who made this strategy to take after the KYC standards at the season of crisis, I might want to meet that extraordinary individual? KYC ought to be done at the season of new/reestablishment of an arrangement.
As a location verification they wont consider Voter ID, you have to give Ration Card/Electricity Bill/Bank Statement. By and large, I simply need to caution every single one existing client or why should arranging purchase an approach from Apollo Munich, kindly dont put it all on the line.
Try not to squander your cash on the grounds that at the season of prerequisite they will just and just torment you. We have 5 approaches in my family all from Apollo Munich, now after this wretched experience, I will never proceed with any of my arrangement.