2 day I m gona share my first hand experience wid u about using MAC (arguably the best computing device in the world).
WHY MAC : guys as u all know India is emerging as IT superpower n is known 4 its excellence in IT telecom domain. Hence we have good household penetration of computers n thereby we enjoy availability of all major IT hardware brands like : IBM , SONY, HP, DELL,
ACER, ASUS, and so on. So when we have so many brand option which r much cheaper n equally reliable why in world people go 4 ultra expensive I mac & MACBOOKS ? Is it d ease of use of an operating system ?or duribilty n high performance hardware? Or may b the virus free computing experience which mac provides ?
Well …. the true answer is none of the above Most people in India (and I am one of them ) buy MAC to make style statement & not 4 its duribilty n high performance, bcoz as as far as performance scalability is concerned DELL offers much superior hardware at a very competitive prices