New Apple ipad is good and powerful and it come with apple a10 powerful processore but in have only 2 gb ram and 32 gb internal memory and its is not sufficient for every user and face storage problem because ios operating system all apps is large size and take more space and your ram and internal memory is full.but is camera is superb because its come with 8mp rear and 1.2 mp front and I use previous version this ipad and its ipad work very faster but 1 to 1.5 years start lag problem and you not play high and more size games in this ipad so you please dont buy this ipad.and it ipad is very you can buy in this range a powerful android phone, tablets and other any people think want to buy this product so buy because this is not a bad product but and its provide a good service but not a budget ipad.
Tkanks for read my review.
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