Silver Moon Aug 13, 2014
Sound quality very poor
Cannot watch videos
Spend 700$ to realise that you dont even have the luxury of watching videos
Then use a headphone, because what else can you do
Really put down after buying the most expensive tablet in the town
No seems to mention the fact you needto get the ipad air cellular model to get gps. It should be in both models. I feel ripped off
Im torn between the 64gb and the 128, be using daily as gaming and camera and music, and internet
The massive downside to the Air is extreme fragility. The screen cracked right across on mine without trauma. There are reports of others breaking from just the minor bumps a portable device should be able to cope with.
In terms of performance its a 10/10 product but when youre told youaccidentally damaged it by simply placing it on a shelf it doesnt really matter. Criminal lack of durability.
I am thinking of buying an IPAD AIr 32gb. Two of my most used sites are Safaritalk and Africam, Africam require adobe flash player. Will I be able to receive these sites on my IPAD?
The jittery animations and most complaints for iOS 7 have been fixed in iOS 7.1, however it is still a beta(as many of you likely know).
Do the authors of this site never check spelling? There were multiple typos that are quite unprofessional and could have been fixed with the click of a button.