For people who are rich to afford this tablet, please ignore.
But for the other sensible people out there, just think about it once!
A whooping 65900 for a tablet, a product which wasnt even in existence some years back.!
do you really think you need one? Id say you rather want one than need, not because it will make your life easier or something, but because you either need to show-off that you can afford an iPad or you are just dumb enough with a whole lot of money of which you have no idea how to spend properly!
Just think once if this much amount is worth enough for a gadget that youd hardly be able to use to its maximum extent!
As far as the product goes, its really the best tablet, but as far as the utility goes, I dont think us indians need to spend so much in order to buy such a product!
Dikhave pe mat jaao, apni akkal lagao!