The newely launched ipad pro which apple released last week . With its scale with the way you use it and has always been uniquely immersive . To amplify the experience apple launched the all new ipad pro setting in new boundaries for creativity and simplicity. With its 12.9 inch retina display it is serene to yours eyes for long hours non stop.It is perfect solution to the conventional laptops .
It has got 78% more screen than the other ipads. Ipad pro not only transforms your vieweing experience it actucally does enable you with a lot more .I have been using ipad air for years and this is by far their best product with the ease of use and fucntionality is concerned . The multitouch features are absolutely fabulous with double the refresh rate and the feel of the sensors giving you a super smooth experience . It is the perfect answer with seamless video experience with 5.6 million pixel display.
Even the battery life on this monster is going to be great with being more energy efficient with more than a days battery life .Its as powerful as beautiful with its a9 chip making it a sure buy. I will book one the minute it is launched in india