Before you read, this moutshut text editor is screwed up and there is no formating. So I hav added gaps.
If you read my previous reviews about Nokia, LG, Sony ericsson, I was very unhappy everywhere. But this is the first phone that I am not that sad even if its has many limitations. Well, I live in korea and I have been using iPhone for last 2months. Here there is no Nokia phone as it dosent meet peoples taste and requirements. Nokia is very famous in India and Europe. And its No1. company because of its sales. This dosent mean they make the best design phones. They make cheap and reliable phones appealing to masses. Nokia used symbian OS which they are slowly abandoning. They are moving to Linux(Limo OS)
iPhone is different. Its a very good design phone. iphone is the only phonefrom Apple. unlike other manufacturers who have at least 500 phone models, Apple has only one phone for you. And its the best. Its easy for developers to code for iPhone as there are no variations. iPhone is not a limited-feature phone like your java phones. Its a OS based smart phone where you can do business activities(email, calendar, contact) and multimedia(music, picture, video, news).
Some facts.Every other company are trying to copy iPhone.
1] Apple dare to make full touch-only phone. They popularize the capacitive multi-touch gestures (pinch and spread). 2] Non of the existing idiot companies tried to make gesture based phone. All used resistive screens with stylus. This wrong design came from Microsoft PDA phone running on windows mobile OS. Microsofts lack of mobile user requirements, made them to simply copy/replicate the desktop experience on mobile and they created all tiny buttons and checkboxes on mobile screen which are literary impossible to use by bare hand/figure. . 3] To solve this interaction problem they provided something called stylus(appendix like human body. Something unnessary). All donkey companies just followed Microsoft and used stylus everywhere. What a shame on the copy-cats. . 4]. Apple realize the true user requirements. People are on the move when they use phone. They made all buttons big and innovative selection menus to beThumb Friendly". You dont need stylus.
Good points / pros
1.] Very good touch screen(capacitive screen using mutual capacitance method). Its very responsive. 2.] Very fast OS with 1GB snapdragon processor. I have never see delays.3. Best animations and transitions between screens and actions. . 4. ] Innovative touch screen keypad design. The buttons changes depending on the context. Eg- if you are tying in a search box, the button changes toGo". If you are in browser address bar, there is a.Com" button at the bottom. There are multiple keypads to change and internationals. 5.] It has one of the best speakers. the sound quality is 10 times better then my Nokia N97. Its loud and crystal clear . 6]. Simple navigation. There are no hierarchies. Everything is just an icon and homescreen just extends ans much icons you add. Your brain remembers the visual location and the page. Its very simple. 7]. There are over 1Lac applications on the AppsStore. That means, any great feature in other phones, is just an application in iphone. You think of any feature and its available as application to download. like Augmented reality, stocks, document management, files, Todo, multiple calendars, etc. 8]. It has one of the best email experience. the emails can be zoomed and it has auto suggest for email address. Attachments are in the body so no need to navigation.(there is one drawback listed in other list). 9.] You can have multiple calendars from yahoo, google, MS Exchange. 10. ]So many covers/case and accessories. 11]. the video recording is 640x480 at 30fps. And its good. camera is not good.12]. Very good connectivity to facebook, twitter and other SNS sites. 13]. Copy and paste is now possible in OS 3.1.2
.1]. Very bad camera and its features. no zoom or scenes. most of the time it makes dark pictures.(there are 3rd party apps to increase contrast and brightness). its just 3.5 mp. I home they make it atleast 5pm and include a Xenon flash. 2.] Battery is very weak. May be 4-6hrs. There is no replaceable battery you can carry. But you will find iphone battery chargers that are portable. 3]. File transfers and data management is extremely difficult. You cannot copy any files to iphone by just dragging to the iPhone hardisc. a) You cannot add music directly., .need itunes. b) you cannot upload pictures directly . needs itunes software. c) you can directly copy pictures from iPhone to laptop using usb. d) There is no file management application in iPhone. No file browser. Apple wants to hide and encrypt all file names. You can download 3party file management apps but, they create their own island. 4]. Bluetooth has no use other then for headphone. You cannot transfer picture or songs to-from iphone. 5]. There is no multitasking. Eg. if you download an alarm application and you want to wake up in morning. that application need to be continuously open and without screen lock to ring in the morning. If you close that application. its like dead. 6]. iPhone does not allow its memory space to be accessible for 3rd party applications. so if you download a dialer/call application, it will not show you the call history. Because it cannot read iphone data. Also, if that application stores a word file, that will not be visible from other application. .7] All applications in iphone are likeislands". They are separate and disconnected and cannot share information. Eg. if you download pictures using one applications, that pictures is not visible to iphone or other application. 8]. the iphone photos or songs are not accessible by other applications. 9. iphone native dialer dosent have speed dial, you cannot sort missed and incomming call history. They are all in one list. You cannot make contact groups on iphone. 10.] iphone dosent have Todo . Its memo is very basic. 11]. The email attachment cannot be saved. neither you can send a new email with attachment. 12]. The voice interactions by Nuance is not accurate. . 13]. There is no FM radio. 14.] The push notifications in iphone are very primitive and bad.
well, with the launch of google HTC Nexux one, there is a real competition now