I am Dr.R.Choudhury from chennai, India.I would like to mention that I have bought iPhone 5 black/16 Gb 2 yrs back from Delhi within 3 days suddenly my new device got crashed.I went to Apple service centre and they said they will replace it which they did but it took them 7 days to do so.i had to borrow my friends phone for that period after I have spent around 50, 000 rupees for a new iPhone.
Now after 2 yrs of use suddenly I experienced battery draining out absurdly.After making multiple calls to Apple support finally I had to take the device to Ample icare service in Alwarpet, Chennai. They said battery is swollen and cant be replaced. And also mentioned if I have had used the device for few days it would haveBURST.i have called Apple again for a free replacement but they refused. Isnt it a hardware problem and fault of Apple that it swells only after 2 yrs of use?!
I had to pay 7000 for the replacement which ethically I didnt want. Never expected such issues from an Apple product and Support.
Now after I have paid and got a new iPhone 5. After 1 week of use the device is HEATING UP like anything. At least 10 degrees more than normal that while holding, my palm feels burning sensation. And also I can hear some sparking sound coming from the device.I have called again multiple times Apple support and tried restoring the device also. Nothing helped! It seems again I will have to visit the service centre taking time out of my busy schedule.
I am a busy doctor practising critical care. I dont have time to visit ur service centre repeatedly. I am already frustrated with Apple product and Apple service. I also feel everybody should know about Apple product and care being like this. So I shall bring this issue up to SOCIAL MEDIA.
Meanwhile Apple people, plz suggest what should be done. Who is responsible for the harassment I have gone through and the money I paid for Apples faulty devices?
Heres my iphone5 diagnostics Case report No- 1042557591